5.30 – 7.30pm. $5.00 per person. There will be drinks and nibbles.
RSVP – seats are limited.
3B Scarborough Lane, Parnell, Auckland Phone: 09 3774159
Email: admin@carolinaizzo.com.
Bruce Petry – Director of Reverb* and Conservation Architect will be our guest at the second Studio Talk at Studio Carolina Izzo, Auckland. Bruce is recognized both nationally and internationally as a specialist in New Zealand Heritage management. Bruce has worked most recently on the Auckland City Art Gallery and the Britomart Urban Renewal Project. Formerly a director at Salmond Reed Architects for eleven years, he has also worked in the UK
Many people put the conservation and preservation of Built Heritage into the “too hard” basket – Bruce is going to explain how it can be an easy option, and why preservation is a good option for our community.
*Reverb is an Auckland-based Heritage consultancy that provides advice, undertakes project work, conservation management and planning. Please check out Bruce’s website to see more of what his company does. http://www.reverb.co.nz